1,397 miles away

What our customers say..
We know that communication is important in relationships, especially when you are separated from each other for long periods of time. We are due to ship Pillow Talk to 42 countries so far and our customers really know how to get in touch with the right messages  and encouragement!


1,397 miles away
My boyfriend and I live 1,397 miles away from each other...because of our busy schedules we only get to talk to each other for a little while a day if we are lucky, and we see each other probably 2 or 3 times a year for a few days... the countdown to our next meeting is always long as you may know.. we were trying to look for a product that would make us feel the connection we need.  We came across this video of you explaining what pillow talk was, I was so emotional when I watched it, and so excited and happy to get my hands on one.

Seeking UK beta testers!

Little Riot is almost ready to start putting our prototypes and product samples in front of users for some feedback.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on what we're doing right and what we're doing wrong, as we continue our journey towards Pillow Talk's launch later this year.

We're looking for some of our UK based fans to participate in our user testing. We want to hear what you love about your other half, how you make your long distance relationship work and - best of all - experience our prototypes. Ideally you'll be able to come to our London-based office and we'll spend about 20-30 minutes with you - we'll provide the coffee :)

If you're a good fit for us, yourself and your partner will be one of our beta testers who will receive a Pillow Talk prototype to trial next month.

To apply, fill out the application here. 

Pillow Talk Update - November 2014

Product Status

Things are progressing slowly but surely with Pillow Talk. We've spent a long time working on the electronics and we now have a fully functioning, end-to-end technology system. Due to the changes in the way the technology works, we're also revisiting the aesthetic/casing design. 

How can you help?

We're looking for an angel investor, or small fund, to help us raise about £50,000 to complete the final phase of product design which will enable us to launch the product on a crowd funding site. If you think you can help, please get in touch.

We'd also love to talk to any hardware/electronic engineers.